A speaking engagement, gallery opening, and a seminar
Photo by Nick Cole (used with permission)
I just returned from a wonderful 4-day trip to Atlanta, GA. This is my second trip there this year, and I am developing an appreciation for this city, it’s surrounding areas, and its people. In fact, I have become rather fond of the place. Despite being a large city, I found the people in the Atlanta area to be friendly and welcoming. There is something to be said for southern hospitality. Although I am from the East Coast of Canada, I find Atlanta to be very comfortable and even familiar to me. With that, I’m looking forward to my next trip there.
I met some local charities during my gallery opening in May and, to my surprise several months later, I was contacted by a charity called Right in the Community about speaking at their annual banquet. They run a series of wonderful community homes for people with challenges. You can find out more about them on their website and Facebook here. I was honoured that they thought I might be interesting enough to entertain a banquet full of people and accepted almost immediately.
To go along with the trip, I contacted the Avery Gallery, who carries my work in the Atlanta area, to see if we might put on an event there as well. Since I was going to be in the areas, I thought we should try to take advantage of it. We decided we could do this event the evening after the charity banquet.
At the same time, the North Georgia Camera Club Council asked if I could put on a seminar for them. We scheduled a seminar for the third day of my trip (Saturday), with Sunday for my flight back to Toronto.
This certainly made for a busy trip, but here are some photographs from the adventure.
Myself with some of the Right in the Community representatives.
[Scott, Ioana, and Jerrie]
Photos from the Gallery Show opening
Larger prints on the wall
Smaller prints being prepped
Matted. I rather like the matte on this one.
A selfie in front of the prints. This was taken on the day of the Banquet and is a rare photo of me in a tie :-).
Seminar photos (by John Ramspott with permission)
I look remarkably calm here, except I am trying to find my slideshow, which is not where I expected it.
Chatting before the show begins.
Luckily, I found the slides :-).
They don’t call it Iceland for nothing.
Hanging out with Joshua Holko and Andy Biggs can lead you to very interesting places….bring your spikes.
The eternal debate – Is this blue or cyan? (I’m arguing for Cyan)
Sometimes to shoot the surf you have to be in the surf.
Closing with the northern lights