The IceStorm of 2013
The IceStorm of 2013
During December 2013, one of the worst forms of winter weather descended on the Toronto region (and others) – Freezing rain. The rain that freezes upon landed results in ice buildup on trees, power lines, and roads. This creates branches and trees falling from the weight, power lines snapped, and truly dangerous driving conditions.
Although the weather conditions are dangerous and left many people without power, it does create some beautiful scenery that is not often seen. My neighborhood was fortunate in that our power lines are underground, so few people lost power, but out trees were not so lucky, as my large silver maple lost a lot of branches. It’s a tough old tree, so it should recover, but it was hard to see how many branches it lost.
Lost branches
Not as tall as it used to be.
Still standing tall.
The branches were completely covered in ice.
Strange, but beautiful.
The ice creates a surreal appearance to the neighborhood.
The birds managed to survive the ice.
Tough day to be a bird.
Tough day to be a bird.
Even the hedges had to carry their weight.